I've been feeling a bit off lately, like someone had pulled the plug and everything seemed too much. I suppose the Covid-19 restrictions and racism showing its ugly head more publicly again are part of it. Add the stress of a newborn baby along with caring for a whirlwind of a toddler and the frustration of applying for job after job and getting nothing but rejection letters and you have a general idea.
So, I did what I always do when things get too much- I turned to books. And slowly, I realized that my procrastination was only adding to my feeling 'blah'. I decided to focus on small things and re-start my sustainability efforts.
1. My wardrobe
Being a freelance, work-from-home, new mum means I don't have to dress up on a daily basis. But I adore clothes and much of my mood is tied up with what I wear. I have turned into what I never wanted to become: a leggins and T-shirt wearing mum...and I hate it!
So, I will use what I've learned from my many books on conscious fashion and re-do my wardrobe buying only second-hand or making the clothes myself. I'll make exceptions for underwear, shoes and functional clothes( workout gear and raincoats and the like) buying from ethical and sustainable brands. I'll post my (hopefully) more and more stylish efforts here hoping to inspire some of you.
2. Our food
I've previously written about our efforts to cook mostly from scratch and use organic, seasonal and local produce. We, as a family, and I, as the main chef, will continue to do that and also further reduce our intake of meat and fish. My aim is to ensure my family remains healthy, but still has fun.
3. Our homestead
We have been growing our own fruit and veggies for years, but I want to focus more on old (traditional) types of fruit and veggies, which I'm passionate about. I also want to get more involved in slow food.
4. Becoming anti-racist
In this time it is easy to feel hopeless and helpless, but there are people needing all of us to have their (and ultimately our own) backs. I have been and will continue to read up on this subject and find ways to raise my daughters to be anti-racist and challenge my own and my family's and friends' views.
These are the topics my posts will focus on for the moment. I hope you'll enjoy coming on this journey with me. We are also very lucky to have found a wonderful food editor, whom I will introduce shortly.
What are your aims in your personal development? And what would you like us to write more about?